"A Book of Acts church with a vision to take the Gospel to the whole world"
Adult Ministries
Ladies Bible Studies:
Tuesdays at Noon at the Embassy (Excluding the 1st Tuesday of each month)
The Daughters of the King Prayer Breakfast has been meeting at Hardee's on the first Saturday of the month
at 9:00 AM. It is a time of fellowship, testimony/devotion and prayer together.

Ladies Ministries
"Daughters of the King"
Men's Bible Studies:
Mondays at 7:00 p.m. at The Embassy and Thursdays in the Cass/Vandalia area.

Men's Ministries
"Sons of Thunder"
The "Sons of Thunder" Men's Prayer Breakfast is on the third Saturday of each month
at 8:30 AM. Locations (TBD). A time of fellowship, devotion, and prayer together.
A diverse group of adults/families meeting on the second Friday or Saturday of every month, seeking to grow together through intentional fellowship, prayer, worship, and service.
Keep an eye out for upcoming Fusion events on our Coming Events and Calendar pages as well as the bulletin/info table.

Fusion Ministry
9:45 Sunday Morning
Taught by Bob and Martha Knepper
in the Fellowship Hall.

Mighty Warriors
9:45 Sunday Morning
Taught by Dan Jacobs
in the sanctuary.

Family Life
9:00 Sunday Morning
Taught by Pastor Jeff & Doreen Whittaker in Pastor's office. For students college thru 30(ish) years.

Young Bereans